原科院第80期中文電子報 Chinese Newsletter, College of Nuclear Science, No.80
● 博士班優等 ● |
姓名 |
系所 |
壁報題目 |
徐 蘇 |
醫環系 |
MnO2 Structure Induced Surface Charge Effect on the Performance of Capacitive Deionization in Different pH (海報圖片) |
易仕翰 |
工科系 |
Ge and O Valence States in GeOx Interfacial Layer on Hole Mobility of Low EOT Ge pMOSFET |
吳尚謙 |
核工所 |
Compound Effects of Operating Parameters on Burnup Credit Criticality Analysis in BWR Spent Fuel Assemblies (海報圖片) |
蘇昱璘 |
醫環系 |
Rabies Virus-Inspired Dendrimers/Graphene Quantum Dot Nanohybrids for Deep Glioblastoma Penetrated Theranostics (海報圖片) |
姜珮華 |
醫環系 |
A Preliminary Study of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate-Doxorubicin Nanoparticles (ACC-DOX NPs) for Ultrasound Theranostics (海報圖片) |
● 博士班佳作 ● |
鄭照光 |
工科系 |
Direct growth of Co3S4 nanosheets on 3D graphene to enhance electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation (海報圖片) |
林育如 |
工科系 |
Performance of Stacked Nanosheets Gate-all-around and Multi-gate Thin-Film-Transistors (海報圖片) |
李慧萱 |
工科系 |
Hybrid p-Channel Poly-Si Junctionless Field-Effect Transistors with Trench and Gate-All-Around Structure |
莊天睿 |
工科系 |
Developing Two-way Coupling Method of CFD/Stress Analysis for Flow-induced Vibration (海報圖片) |
賴柏倫 |
核工所 |
Shielding analysis of a Carbon-ion Therapy Accelerator:A Comparison between Simplified and Monte Carlo Calculations (海報圖片) |
賴柏辰 |
核工所 |
Theoretical Investigation on Resource Utilization and Minor Actinides Reduction in Various Fuel Cycles (海報圖片) |
方人弘 |
醫環系 |
A Porous Si/GO Functionalized Nerve Guide Made by Additive Fabrication (海報圖片) |
黃日揚 |
醫環系 |
IR780-loaded Albumin/Iron Oxide Nanocomplexes for Cancer Photothermal Therapy and MR Imaging (海報圖片) |
許如秀 |
醫環系 |
Accelerated Peripheral Nerve Regeneration by Swiftly NGF-Gradient Microporous Scaffold Assembled from Charged Microgel Building Blocks (海報圖片) |
羅尉辰 |
醫環系 |
Collection and Manipulation of Flowing Microbubbles Using Acoustic Vortex Tweezers (海報圖片) |
● 碩士班優等 ● |
李柔萱 |
工科系 |
Electrochemical Migration of Fine Pitch Ag Interconnects (海報圖片) |
徐子桓 |
醫環系 |
Adsorption of phosphate using citrate modified-Lanthanum oxide(海報圖片) |
陳羿帆 |
工科系 |
Effect of Fin Shape of Tapered FinFETs on Sub-16-nm Application using TCAD simulation (海報圖片) |
林孝柔 |
工科系 |
攪拌流之暫態壓力分析 (海報圖片) |
楊靜茹 |
工科系 |
Protection of The Steel Used for Dry Cask Storage System from Atmospheric Corrosion by TiO2 coating (海報圖片) |
盧廷瑜 |
醫環系 |
Improving Thermo/Chemo Combinational Therapeutic Efficacies in Tumor with Magnetic Guidance and Surface Charge Conversion of Nanocarriers (海報圖片) |
王大維 |
核工所 |
Development of Microbubbles with 10B-enriched Drug Payload for Focused Ultrasound Triggered Brain Tumor Drug Delivery (海報圖片) |
朱書葦 |
醫環系 |
Vascular normalization of solid tumor by ultrasound stimulated oxygen-microbubbles (海報圖片) |
● 碩士班佳作 ● |
謝宗倫 |
工科系 |
Mechanistic study of hydrogen storage by Pt/TiO2/graphene catalysts (海報圖片) |
王振樺 |
工科系 |
Investigation of the flow field inside battlement-shaped microfluidic channel and its application on the biofilm formation (海報圖片) |
李書蘋 |
醫環系 |
Photoelectrochemical Decolorization of Methylene Blue with Hematite and Mn(II): Toward A Sustainable System for Simultaneous Wastewater Treatment and Hydrogen Acquisition (海報圖片) |
戴詠庭 |
工科系 |
Growth of intermetallic compound in Co/Sn3.5Ag/Co and Co/Sn3.5Ag/Cu structure under thermomigration (海報圖片) |
王振安 |
核工所 |
CFD Analysis of a Molten Salt Natural Circulation Loop with Neutronics Feedback (海報圖片) |
鄭 煒 |
醫環系 |
Penetrated Delivery of Drug to Deep Tumor by Magneto-Remote-Controlled Gold Nanobrain With Charge-Switchable Release (海報圖片) |
林裕峰 |
醫環系 |
Metal cross-link layer by layer coating system for drug delivery and photodynamic combine therapy (海報圖片) |
余佩綸 |
醫環系 |
D2O Perfusion MRI of Brain Tumor on a Mouse Model: A Preliminary Study (海報圖片) |
● 大學部優等 ● |
李豪儒 |
醫環系 |
Graphitic carbon nitride wrapped TiO2 nanoflower composites with enhanced photocatalytic performance under simulated solar light irradiation (海報圖片) |
邱品嘉 |
工科系 |
Reliability Study of Stress-Induced and cycling-Induced damage in FE-HfZrOx (海報圖片) |
蘇鈺婷 |
院學士班 |
超音波對熱傳的影響分析研究 (海報圖片) |
李育澤 |
醫環系 |
Exogenous Delivery of Hydrogen Sulfide by DATS-loaded PLGA Microparticles for the Treatment of Ischemic Disease |
● 大學部佳作 ● |
蘇子珊 |
院學士班 |
Kinetics of Activation of Hydrogen Peroxide by Copper(II)-L-Histidine Complexes (海報圖片) |
施孝謙 |
工科系 |
Study of Stacked Poly-Si Nanosheets Junctionless Thin-Film-Transistors (海報圖片) |
鄧義臻 |
院學士班 |
Morphology control of perovskite films by optimizing CH3NH3I/CH3NH3Cl ratio in precursor in one-step method |
李京穎 |
工科系 |
鎳基及鐵基合金在高溫氦氣環境中之腐蝕行為研究 (海報圖片) |
許皓翔 |
醫環系 |
3D Printed Nerve Regeneration Tube With Porous GO Gradient (海報圖片) |
學校於11月15日舉辦全校運動會,本院由葉宗洸代理院長領軍參加教職員工1600 M大隊接力計時賽,在八個參賽隊伍中獲得第四名。此外,本院原科院學士班也榮獲今年全校運動會之精神總錦標冠軍,恭喜學士班。
2017.11.23 |
醫環系胡尚秀教授榮獲106年度「吳大猷紀念獎」 |
2017.11.15 |
原科院學士班21級大一全體同學榮獲106全校運動會精神總錦標冠軍 |
2017.11.02 |
工科系學生陳芃慈同學、魏士穎同學、邵乃俊同學、吳順吉教授參加第2017年度Arm Design Contest 榮獲冠軍。 團隊名稱;來自新心的秘密 研究主題:採用心電訊號(ECG)作為生物辨識依據的行動支付系統「Instacardeal」,由收銀設備、智慧型手機與雲端資料庫構建而成,透過每個人的胸腔構造差異所發出的電脈衝,每個人的心電訊號不盡相同,以此作為支付辨識時,不僅不易被竊取,雲端資料庫的所有個資僅由收銀設備來擷取,因此可免除手機遺失帶來的系統安全威脅。 |
2017.10.23 |
工科系劉邦佑同學榮獲2017年台灣計算力學會議海報競賽佳作壁報獎 指導教授:陳馨怡老師、陳燦耀老師 論文題目:Oxygen adsorption on Pt decorated Pd/Co trimetallic catalysts: A DFT study |